collaboration with Torsten Zenas Burns
41 minute video
Originally shot video and appropriated film weaves together a musical celebration of the flesh. An egg from the missing link holds a skeleton key to our educational future. On a parallel world, life coaches made of bone & fur activate televisual coursework including circular zooming studies, spectral-mating, and etheric birthing techniques. Manifest Destiny eludes its colonial past and takes refuge deep in our pagan libidinal nature.

The Abominable Freedom was part of an exhibition at SF Cameraworks, in San Francisco titled Suggestions of a Life Being Livedcurated by Danny Orendorff and Adrienne Skye Roberts. It has also screened at several venues including The Chicago Underground Film Festival; Cinematexas, Houston, TX; Video Dumbo in Brooklyn, NY; The New York Underground Film Festival & The New York Video Festival at Lincoln Center, both in New York, NY.