Electric Earl
performance with LED, box and rope light controller
A live slow motion two hour escape ensues after members of the audience bind me onto a chair with red PVC coated wire, rope lights, locks, and red tape. LED slowly loops a string of the following words: “Art takes Time . . . . Time is Money . . . Escape . . . . Artist . . . . Escape . . . . Artist . . . Time takes Art . . .Money is Time . . . . Escape . . . . Escape . . . . Escape . . . .”

Masochistic Clowney
A heavy metal clown instigates the audience over the course of the evening until he is locked into a wooden and metal structure. There, he unleases insults and plastic balls out onto the audience as dares them to hit him with balls and, at times, other miscellaneous objects.
Masochistic Clowney
performance stills bookend a still of sculptural props made of wood, metal and used plastic balls
A heavy metal clown instigates the audience over the course of the evening until he is locked into a wooden and metal structure. There, he unleases insults and plastic balls out onto the audience as dares them to hit him with balls and, at times, other miscellaneous objects.

These two performance pieces were part of an exhibit titled Circus Momentous, that premiered in San Diego, and traveled to Los Angeles & Berkeley.