still of Luke and Laura in GENERALIZED HOSPITALS

Upcoming: Torsten Zenas Burns and my film GENERALIZED HOSPITALS: THE LUKE LUKE & LAURA LAURA STORY... JUST ONE MORE THING! will make its single-channel debut as part of the 31st Chicago Underground Film Festival from September 11-15, 2024. 
Recent: Experimental Modalities: Crip Representation and Access with Electronic Arts Intermix, my curatorial essay has been published as part of Leonardo's Criptech and the Art of Access issue edited by Vanessa Chang & Lindsey D. Felt. The essay is open access.
Ongoing: A new sound work, Steel Tongue Accordion Ears, commissioned by MIT's List Visual Arts Center, is part of their on-line artist led summer program titled Replenish.
My #MetAccess post has been published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art on their social media sites. You can find my IG contribution here and a tad longer FB contribution here
(Mis)Reading the Image: Selections by Darrin Martin, a video screening curation in collaboration with Electronic Arts Intermix, looking at their collection through the lens of accessibility and disability representation took place at their New York City Canal Street location on March 30th, 2023. A free, closed-captioned online streaming version of the works and the discussion afterwards is available at the title link above.  
Torsten Zenas Burns and my vilm The Abominable Freedom is still available as a limited edition VHS complete with zine published by Random Man Editions
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